Narciso, on Software


JetBrains ReSharper

There're many editors and IDEs. I've tested many of them during these years, but there's one that "made me fall in love for the first time". It's IntelliJ Idea, from JetBrains. You can download a trial version, or even better, register for their EAP and try their work in progress.
There're probably other IDEs with better GUI capabilities, but none with the advanced editing ones from Idea. Idea provides many time-saving features, going ahead with new trends in development, such as integration with ant, JUnit, aspects, generics, and it provides extensive refactoring capabilities.
Now, the guys at JetBrains want to surprise us again with another wonder: ReSharper. ReSharper is a plugin for Visual Studio .NET 2003 that brings capabilities from Idea to the Microsoft IDE, greatly improving the C# coding experience. You can try it joining their EAP (it's still beta software with limited features), which I recommend.

JetBrains ReSharper


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